How to Become a Pharmacy Technician in Maine

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Do Pharmacy Technicians get regulated in Maine?

Yes, Pharmacy Technicians do get regulated in Maine.


Is certification required for one to practice as Pharmacy Technician in Maine?

No and Yes. The State Board of Pharmacy in Maine has two types of technicians โ‚ฌโ€œ Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacy Technicians Advanced. Pharmacy Technicians are NOT required to have certification but for pharmacy technicians advanced to be licensed, they need to be certified.

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Which of the certification exam is required by the State Board of Pharmacy in Maine?

The approved certification exam is PTCB (PTCE).


When does Pharmacy Technician registration starts?

Pharmacy Technician registration must be registered before employment starts or before training starts in a pharmacy.


Is Pharmacy Technician licensure required in Maine?

Yes, pharmacy technicians are required to have license by the Maine State Board of Pharmacy.


What should I do to become a License Pharmacy Technician?

  • You may download the application forms here and submit a written application requesting registration as a Pharmacy Technician at the Maine State Board of Pharmacy. Same application is applicable to both pharmacy technician and pharmacy technician advanced.
  • You must have a criminal background check.
  • Include the $25 and a criminal background check fee of $21, a total of $46.

Is training required for Pharmacy Technicians in Maine?

Yes, training is required and must be undertaken and completed in the place of employment under the supervision of the pharmacist-in-charge. Subsequent duties must be consistent with the training received.


Are Pharmacy Technicians required to have a Continuing Education or CE?  

No and yes. For Pharmacy Technicians licensed in Maine, you do not need continuing education. However if you are licensed as a Pharmacy Technician Advanced, you need to have a continuing education to maintain your national certification.


How often is the Pharmacy Technician License renewal required?

The State Board of Pharmacy in Maine requires licenses for Pharmacy Technicians to be renewed annually for a fee of $25. Licenses expire on the 31st of December.


What must be done if I change jobs or change my home address?

The Maine State Board of Pharmacy must be notified within 30 days thru mail, fax or email.


Other important requirements for Pharmacy Technicians in Maine:

  • Pharmacy technicians practicing in Maine must display their certification at a designated place in the pharmacy at all times where he or she is currently employed. A wallet-size registration must also be with the pharmacy technician at all times while on duty.
  • Every Maine licensed pharmacist may have three pharmacy technicians in a retail pharmacy and four if it is a drug outlet.
  • It is the responsibility of the supervising pharmacist to take account for all the actions of the pharmacy technician.



Maine Board of Pharmacy
Office:             Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, 35 State House Station. Augusta, ME 04333
Telephone:    207-624-8603 Fax: 207-624-8637

Professional Association for Maine Pharmacy Techs: 
The Maine Society of Health-System Pharmacists 



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