Tennessee Pharmacy Technician Requirements

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Do Pharmacy Technicians get regulated in Tennessee?

Yes, they do not regulate Pharmacy Technicians in Tennessee.


Is certification required for one to practice as Pharmacy Technician in Tennessee?

No, Tennessee State Board of Pharmacy does not require certification to pharmacy technicians.  However, you must check on the advanced duties and other information designated for certified pharmacy technicians found below of this page under the €œMore Good Info€¦€

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What are the approved certification exams required by the State Board of Pharmacy in Tennessee?

There are no approved certification exams in Tennessee.


When is registration required to Pharmacy Technicians?

Pharmacy Technician must apply for registration prior to working in a pharmacy.


Is Pharmacy Technician licensure required in Tennessee?

Yes, the Tennessee State Board of Pharmacy does require Pharmacy Technicians to obtain license.


What should I do to become a License Pharmacy Technician?

  • You must submit a letter of good moral character.
  • You must submit an affidavit attesting that you have read and understand the regulations and statuses that pertains to the practice of pharmacy in the state of Tennessee.
  • You must be a United States citizen.
  • No Felony convictions.
  • You must submit a written application requesting registration as a Pharmacy Technician at the Tennessee State Board of Pharmacy. You may download form here.
  • Include the non-refundable $50 registration fee.


Is training required for Pharmacy Technicians in Tennessee?

No, pharmacy technicians are not required to undergo training.


Are Pharmacy Technicians required to have a Continuing Education or CE?

No, Pharmacy Technicians are not required to complete a continuing education in Tennessee.


How often is the Pharmacy Technician renewal required?

Pharmacy technician€™s registration will expire every 2 years.


What must be done if I change jobs or change my home address?

You may change your address or job by obtaining a form from its website division or click here.


More good to know requirements for Pharmacy Technicians in Tennessee:

  • Technicians must wear a name tag at all times identifying him or herself as the pharmacy technician while on duty.
  • Certified pharmacy technicians are allowed to receive new or transferred oral medical and prescription orders.
  • The supervising pharmacist may oversee two technicians in any practice site. However that can be increased to three if one of the pharmacy technicians is certified.
  • The certification must be visibly displayed at the pharmacy practice site and must have a proof of certification and registration at all times while working.



Tennessee Board of Pharmacy 

Office: Tennessee Department of Health, Health Related Boards, Tennessee Board of Pharmacy, 227 French Landing, Suite 300. Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: (615) 253-1299
Fax: (615) 741-2722

Professional Association for Tennessee pharmacy techs: 
The Tennessee Pharmacists Association

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